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Medicinal Uses of Turmeric

Medicinal Uses of Turmeric


Turmeric Curcuma longa Turmeric is a tropical perennial plant in the same family as ginger, native to India, and cultivated throughout the tropics around the world. Growing to a height of about three feet, it bears pairs of lance-shaped leaves on alternate sides of the stem. At the base of the stem, there is a knobby rhizome somewhat resembling ginger. Other common names are Indian saffron & yellow ginger.

Many of the healing of benefits of turmeric have been attributed to curcumin, a group of antioxidant compounds found in the rhizome. Although curcumin is available as a standardized extract, the whole herb may be more beneficial for you than the curcumin extract: Only very small amounts of curcumin are absorbed into the bloodstream. Turmeric as a whole herb stays in the digestive tract longer than curcumin, releasing antioxidant curcumin along with other beneficial substances.

Turmeric root powder is a popular ingredient in South Asian cooking and adds a distinct flavor to many savory dishes, including stocks, sauces and curries. The root has a brilliant orange color and becomes very hard when dried. It is distinct and fragrant, with a scent that is mildly hot and gingery, but certainly unique to itself.

Teas and poultices with fresh turmeric are commonly used for it's anti inflammatory and natural antibiotic properties. It can enhance longevity, decrease chances of Alzheimer's and cancer, soothe skin conditions and protect the liver.


Turmeric Honey Paste Recipe

Ingredients: 1 cup honey

1 tbsp coconut oil

3 tbsp turmeric powder

Mix honey, turmeric, & coconut oil together in a resealable container using a spoon until thoroughly combined. Cover and store in the refrigerator.  Add 1 tablespoon or more to a cup of hot water or milk (or milk substitute) for a lovely drink. Add lime, ginger, and cinnamon for a flavorful break from the usual tea. Always allow the paste to heat for at least 5 minutes in any of these before consuming.

Luna Wood is a graduate of the Sacred Journey School of Herbal Wisdom and  currently practices herbal medicine in Austin and San Antonio, TX.



Valentine's Herbs

Valentine's Herbs


There are various herbs which can be used for sexual health or as herbal aphrodisiacs. The ones listed here can be found in the Southwest region of North America or are readily available at Mountain Rose Herbs.

Damiana is a small shrub with aromatic leaves found on dry, sunny, rocky hillsides in south Texas, Southern California, Mexico, and Central America. Damiana leaves have been used as an aphrodisiac and to boost sexual potency by the native peoples of Mexico, including the Mayan Indians. The two species used in herbal healing, both of which are referred to as damiana, are Turnera aphrodisiaca and Turnera diffusa and are part of the passionflower family. 

Historically damiana has been used to relieve anxiety, nervousness, and mild depression, especially if these symptoms have a sexual component. Damiana has also been traditionally used for increased energy, asthma, depression, impotence, digestion, and menstrual problems. In large doses it is thought to have a mild laxative effect.


Damiana Rose Elixir 

2oz Damiana leaves

10 oz brandy

1/2 oz roses

5oz honey

Add Damiana , brandy & roses to a mason jar. Let steep for 4 weeks . Strain and add honey. Mix well and enjoy!


Muira Puama is one of the most active botanicals with a long history of traditional uses as an energy tonic, general health improver, and remedy for impotence & sexual insufficiency. It originated in the Amazon rainforest and is  known as "potent wood" . Many people now consider it the new Yohimbe but, with considerably less possible side effects. Amazon natives have known this plant for centuries, as this herb has been widely used as an aphrodisiac by both men and women.

Muira Puama

The short term effects of Muira Puama include increasing blood flow to the pelvic area, aiding erections in men as well as sensation and orgasm in women. Longer term use enhances the production of sex hormones in both sexes. It has no noted side effects though, as with many sexual stimulants, it can slightly raise blood pressure.

Muira Puama has also been used for stress management, nervous system stimulation, and for general overall health. It has been used to tonify the nervous system and to treat cases of mild exhaustion. It can also help with gastrointestinal and reproductive disorders, while it's anti-rheumatic properties have been used for treating stress and trauma.

Vanilla bean extract

Vanilla planifolia

Vanilla originated in Mexico and is presently found in South America and the West Indies. Vanilla is a member of the orchid family . It has aerial roots that cling to trees and, the  pods are the fruit of the plant. Vanilla is currently hand pollenated since it has moved regions. It increases blood flow to sex organs, increases arousal, and releases tension in muscles and tissues. Vanilla tincture is a great sexual elixir since, it is stimulating and relaxing

Vanilla Tincture

5-7 vanilla beans

1 cup brandy or rum,

split vanilla beans (making sure the seeds make contact with alcohol)

add vanilla beans & alcohol to a mason jar & Steep for 6-8 wks

Strain and enjoy


Ocotillo -Fouquieraceae ocotillo family-fouquiera splendins

This succulent herb is also called coach whip, vine cactus, slimwood, candlewood, and flamingsword. It is a very beautiful and unusual plant. Ocotillo is slow growing, and it can take up to 30 years to grow to its maximum height of about 20 feet. Its growth is upright, radiating out from a central root.

Ocotillo usually flowers in March, April and May after heavy rains. Dark, gray green leaves will appear along its spiny, thorny stems within days after a rain fall, but once the weather drys out the leaves will turn brown and fall off. The flowers are beautiful scarlet red tubers appearing at the tip of the branches. These flowers attract hummingbirds, bats and orioles.


Ocotillo has a long history of use among many native Americans. The Cahuilla Indians used its flowers to make a summer drink and its seeds were pounded into a flour to make cakes. The Hualapai used the powdered roots in a footbath for swollen feet and the fibers of the plant to build huts. The Papago would press the nectar out of the blossom and allow it to dry into a candylike treat. The Apache Indians often used the reddish orange blossom, fresh or dried in a tea, which aided in the relief of sore and swollen muscles. The seeds and flowers were also eaten raw in various dishes.

A tincture made of fresh bark is useful for eliminating symptoms associated with inflammation of the pelvic region. Ocotillo can also be effective in alleviating hemorrhoids,  prostate enlargements, and ovarian and uterine cysts.

Harvesting Ocotillo for medicinal use is a challenge. Wear thick gloves and take no more than a two foot section from older plants. It should saw or cut off fairly easily and then cut it into smaller, more workable pieces. Be careful of thorns while working with this plant, and separate the outer bark from the inner core.

Luna Wood , herbalist & massage therapist,  makes many of these fresh  herbal tinctures available for purchase at her studio at South Congress Massage.

The Beauty of Healing

The Beauty of Healing


I just completed my fourth level of Advanced Lymphatic Drainage through, the Chikly Institute and it was amazing. I am such an anatomy nerd. I love to learn all the nooks and crannies of the body. The condyles, epicondyles, fossa, sutures, cerebrospinal spinal fluids, lymph and more. Our bodies are a fascinating temple of divine evolution and, it just amazes me how the body ALWAYS has the INFINITE knowledge and wisdom to heal itself! I have always been an intuitive healer. I feel things with my hands, chakras, and energies. I used to think it wasn't necessary to know the anatomy in great detail to be a good body worker, however the more I learn about the body, the more I crave this deep knowledge. There is a delicate balance between science and intuition. After being a body worker for over 25 years, I am finally learning the melding of the two and, the importance of both. Science without intuition is limited to rigid structures without feeling, and intuition with out really knowing what structures lie underneath our hands leave us guessing. This isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes as healers we won't know everything and that's ok. The body will still heal. However the difference between a good therapist and a great therapist is anatomy and intuition or, the ability to tune in and feel.

I am blessed to be able to live my passion and help people heal everyday in my practice. It keeps me excited and curious as, I unfold in my learning process. My clients have been excited about getting to feel " new " techniques on a deeper level. They are asking questions about what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. I love it that my clients take an active role in participation in their healing. It shows they don't want me to "just fix" them and, they want to be co-creative in the healing process.

In the past few years I have been taking courses on Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (moving lymph and, releasing toxins from the lymph system, to be filtered into the bloodstream and vascular organs) and, Biodynamic Cranial-Sacral Therapy (working with the sutures and bones of the cranium and, the delicate rhythm of cerebral spinal fluid, through the brain and spinal cord, in a physical and energetic manner).

I feel truly honored to be invited to the delicate lymph around the pericardium of the heart or, deep into the intricate ventricles of someone's brain. It is truly a privilege to dive deeply into someone's body, mind, and, spirit. I do not take my job lightly, and I claim a huge responsibility of making sacred space for people to heal and, be heard. Whether they are coming to help their dyslexia, Chron's disease, chronic pain, or they just need some relaxation. I treat everyone as the beautiful child of God they are, and see them in their innocent child-like state, when they are on my treatment table. They are giving their trust to me fully, and I honor the courage they have to bring this vulnerability to my presence.

As I continue in my journey of healing I am presently beginning an eight month Native Plants and Herbal Intensive with Texas based herbalist, Ginger Webb. I am excited about continuing my education in the plant world and, can't wait to see what lies around the corner and, how I can use it to make my healing practice even better.

Read more info on Lymphatic Drainage Therapy at Chikly Institute, Cranial Sacral Therapy at Ryan Halford's Cranioschool, or Ginger Webb and her Sacred Journey School of Herbal Wisdom

2014- Start of the Year Juicing & Detoxing

2014- Start of the Year Juicing & Detoxing


I am starting the year off right with a juice cleanse.After the holiday travel and eating a bunch of yummy yet, not the healthiest food. I decided to get my health back in priority and drink some juices. Fast, cleanse whatever you want to call it, I am doing 1 week of a true juice fast and 2 months of vegan organic eating. I am also increasing my exercise routine and I am feeling more energy immediately. I lost 5 pounds in the first week. I am doing this for wellness but it always feels great when weight comes off as a bonus. I've been walking my dogs everyday and enjoying nature which goes hand in hand with cleansing. I notice nature more when I'm eating more plant based foods and less animal and processed products. I feel so blessed to be able to afford Skinny Limits as my juice fix. I love to juice my own but I hate to clean my juicer and I'm saving a lot of time I don't have.

I'm using my friend's o3 products in areas of lymph tissue to release any toxins and impurities . I feel like a new woman and ready for new beginnings in 2014.

If you want more information about juicing and detoxing visit and

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

  The Lymph system is an amazing cleansing or septic system of the body. There is no heart to pump the lymph through the tiny vessels of this system, so therefore, Lymphatic drainage can assist the lymph to move efficiently through the body. Lymphatic Drainage therapy has benefits ranging from detoxification of the body, regeneration of burned, injured or wrinkled tissue, anti-aging effects, and relief of sinusitis, bronchitis, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, constipation, insomnia, memory loss, and cellulite. This therapy is especially helpful for clients who have radiation or cancer treatments and, it helps speed the healing process after most post surgical procedures  Luna gently rubs, strokes, taps or pushes the skin in directions that follow the structure of the lymphatic system so that accumulated lymph fluid can drain through proper channels. Lymphatic drainage is very gentle, is not painful and has a relaxing effect. Luna will be completing Bruno Chikly's Lymphatic Drainage Level 3 this week.

For more information on Lymphatic drainage please go here.


Contraindications happen when an increase in lymph flow would be detrimental. Contraindications can either be absolute or relative. Your physician can override relative contraindications if he or she finds good reason, but the absolute contraindication cannot be overridden.

Absolute Contraindications :

  • Acute inflammation - caused by bacteria, viruses and poisons are contraindicated. Tissues will be red, hot, and painful with congestion accompanied by fever. Lymphatic drainage will push these substances into the lymph channels before the body has a chance to eliminate them. This way one can spread the toxic substances throughout the body. It is best to wait a few days until the condition is not acute and the body has had a chance to clean up the area.
  • Malignant tumours – there is a fear of spreading the cancer.
  • Thrombosis – can lead to free floating blood clots in the circulatory system.
  • Major heart problems – if the heart is not fully functioning, oedema can be lymphodynamic due to a lack of venous return. Pumping more fluid in the heart it may stress it more than the actual condition.

Relative Indications or Precautions:

  • Kidney problems – check with the physician before treating.
  • Bronchial asthma – this can stimulate the vagus nerve bringing on an attack.
  • Thyroid problems – no treatment around the throat.
  • Medications – fear of increasing the dosage by draining the interstitial spaces.
  • Chemotherapy – fear of increasing the dosage by draining the interstitial spaces.
  • First three months of pregnancy – fear of miscarriage.
  • Removed spleen – recommend shorter session first.
  • Menstruation – MLD can increase the flow.

Enjoy this video on self lymphatic drainage :


"Lymphatics are the next frontier of discovery in human diseases. Long-ignored because of their subtelty and complexity, the mysteries of our cellular 'waste disposal' system have been comprehensively deciphered by Dr. Bruno Chikly."

— Mehmet Oz, MD, Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Author of Healing from the Heart.