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The Tree of Life


I recently completed the Level 3 of Aura Soma training which, is woven into the Tree of Life. Victoria Silks is an amazing teacher, artist and healer.  Her knowledge of the Kaballah, Aura Soma, and the Tree of Life is inspiring. 

 The Tree of Life is very interesting and ancient. The Tree of Life holds great wisdom to ones who wish to dig deeper . I am so grateful to have taken this course and trip with my friend who is also a healer.It was not only a learning trip but a Vision Quest as we ended up in places we never thought we would.  We ventured through New Mexico and Colorado and, everywhere we went was a healing experience. Starting off in Santa Fe the gorgeous mountain air fed my soul. I LOVE the smell of the desert.  We were blessed with great weather and somehow we always bumped into the Buddhist stupas and various holy people who were praying and chanting there. We even got to meet one of the Lamas which is not usually in New Mexico.  My favorite part of the trip was bathing in the beautiful hot springs and dipping in the cold river at the buddhist monastery in Jemez,Springs, which is called the heart of New Mexico.   I truly felt healing of the heart after having gone through a heartbreak and loss, as ,Im still licking my wounds. 

WE ventured off from the Land of Enchantment to the sand dunes in Colorado near one of the sacred mountains of the Dinai ,now called Santa Blanca but the natives call it 'Tsisnaasjini' - Dawn or White Shell Mountain. We were so taken by the dunes that I left my Aura Soma bottle named TRUST and, my friend left her phone on my car  bumper and we laughed as it bounced in the road due to our constant harvesting of sage on the trip. 

We saw our TEACHER , Shamaan Flying Eagle, who gave us amazing readings and healing, fun times with some good wine and good music. Well, due to being tipsy on wine,  Shamaan,  talked us into driving to Denver on the last day of our trip to enjoy the biggest gem and jewelry store in the world, where I purchased my Lemurian crystal and Chrysocolla which are both sitting by my bed when I sleep at night.  We didn't regret it even though it added another 6 hours to our trip both ways. I feel so grateful to have been able to take this trip and honor my higher self & trust my gut feeling to lead me where to go next. 

Heart Chakra Herbs

Heart Chakra Herbs


We live in a culture where we are bombarded with challenging situations everyday.  Violence, natural disasters, pollution, police brutality and the list goes on.... As a healer/curandera/sobada I feel it is my job to create a space where people can grieve, release suffering, and heal their hearts. I just recently went to see Amma, the hugging saint (I talk about her in one of my earlier blog posts) and received a wonderful hug and blessing with my life long partner and soul mate. People come from all over the world just to get a hug and receive a blessing, sometimes in the form of a hershey's kiss. Why do they come and wait in line for hours? Because we all yearn for the MOTHERLY DIVINE LOVE, and we need to heal our hearts.

Many of us feel empty, hopeless, or depleted and we need LOVE!!

There is hope for all of us through community, connection, and deep & fulfilling relationships. It is our responsibility to keep our hearts open, and spread healing for our children and their children. Amma teaches us to receive but more importantly to give SEVA or selfless service to others in little ways everyday. Being thoughtful of people is spreading "Love in the Little things." as a daily practice. Have you given freely today without expecting anything in return?

I just completed a 9 month Herbal Foundations training  with Ginger Webb, owner of Sacred Journey School of Herbalism. Through my training I worked with a number of herbs which are healing for the physical heart and the heart chakra. Some of my favorites are:


hawthorn1Crataegus oxycantha is the most well-known herb for the heart. This member of the rose family has white to brownish flowers, deeply lobed and rose-like leaves, brown woody stems, and yellowish-brown to wine-red fruit which is oval, wrinkled, and berry-like with large seeds. The legends surrounding Hawthorn trees go back centuries – originating in the Pacific Northwest, Europe, British Isles & Asia.

Native Americans utilized many parts of this plant. Its strong wood was fashioned into digging sticks and handles for tools. The razor-sharp thorns were used for piercing ears, and making fish hooks. The bark and shoots were burned and mixed with ashes and grease to concoct black face paint for ritual purposes.

Hawthorn is a very useful botanical for the heart; the berry, leaf, flower, and stem are used for medicine. All of these can be transformed into tinctures, teas, or capsules. Fresh berries can also be used in pies, jams and jellies and dried berries in sauces, wines, syrups, and infused vinegars. Many clinical studies have been conducted on Hawthorn over the past 20 years with great promise.

The Hawthorn tree is a symbol of love and the union of couples in marriage, and is one of the sacred trees. Legend says if one was to bathe in the dew of Hawthorn leaves and blossoms, one"s luck, heath, and beauty was said to increase exponentially for the following year.



Hawthorn berries may decrease high blood pressure and act as a direct and mild heart tonic. Hawthorn leaf and flower, like Hawthorn berries, are antispasmodic, cardiac, diuretic, sedative, tonic and vasodilator. Hawthorn leaf and flower can be used in a tea to reduce high blood pressure and support the heart. Leaf and flowers from the species of Hawthorn used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Crataegus sinaica) support the immune system.

Hawthorn is a long-term remedy and should be taken for several months to several years for maximum benefit. It as a superfood to the cardiovascular system.

Taken in excess, Hawthorn berry teas can cause mild diarrhea. This does not occur when the berries are used to make tinctures or are encapsulated. Diarrhea is not a side effect of the leaf and flowers.




Most people think of roses as lush and fragrant, with lots of petals. These are the ones that have been bred and domesticated from their stamens. Yes they are GMO!

The good news is we still have many varieties of organic wild roses. All true wild roses have beautiful pink, red white or yellow flowers with 5 petals, many stamens and orange to red pear shaped fruits . The crown of sepals that falls from the fruit is called the rose hip which is known to be high in vitamin C.

Wild Rose is medicine for the physiological heart and spiritual-emotional heart. Useful for trauma, sadness and grief, depression, anxiety, heartbreak. Heart-opening, and well known flower of love and devotion. Makes an excellent nervine- deeply calming and very fast-acting. Cardiovascular tonic, promoting proper vascular functioning, treating high blood pressure and poor circulation.

When and how to Harvest: Wild rose flowers are prized for their beauty, their scent and their medicine. The best time to harvest is when they are most eye catching – in spring to early summer when they have just opened and are very fragrant. You will see bees and other winged creatures lapping up their nectar and pollen. Whole flowers can be pinched off but I harvest mostly the petals so that the inner part can turn into fruit. Rose leaves and stems are also harvested for medicine and can be gathered in spring through early fall.


Wild Rose Elixir by Kiva Rose 

1 pint jar

enough fresh wild rose petals to fill the jar

everclear or vodka/brandy to fill the jar 3/4 (I prefer a lower proof alcohol for this preparation, I might make a 50% solution with water and everclear) glycerine or raw honey to fill the jar 1/4 (I generally prefer glycerine for first aid purposes since it is less sticky, which leads to higher compliance in patients, honey tastes better though).

Internally, I use small amounts of the elixir just as most would use Rescue Remedy, for any trauma, panic, fear or stressful situation for child, adult or animal. It’s calming, pleasant and blood moving, helping to move someone out of a paralyzing shock or stuck emotion. It acts as a mild nervine, calming without sedating. I have met people though, who find it quite perception altering. And of course Wild Rose excels at opening the heart and restoring emotional equilibrium. It’s also a well known aphrodisiac, but we’ll leave those properties for a future post. It’s also anti-spasmodic and can be used externally or internally for mild to moderate cramps.

For a more relaxing remedy with greater anti-infective properties, make with half Wild Rose petals and half Wild Rose hips (with seeds intact). This preparation is an especially good heart tonic (like its close relative, Hawthorn) and arthritis remedy when used in the long term. The hips are also effectively anti-viral (like their OTHER close relative Raspberry).

Luna Wood , herbalist & massage therapist, makes many of these fresh herbal tinctures available for purchase at her studio at South Congress Massage.

Valentine's Herbs

Valentine's Herbs


There are various herbs which can be used for sexual health or as herbal aphrodisiacs. The ones listed here can be found in the Southwest region of North America or are readily available at Mountain Rose Herbs.

Damiana is a small shrub with aromatic leaves found on dry, sunny, rocky hillsides in south Texas, Southern California, Mexico, and Central America. Damiana leaves have been used as an aphrodisiac and to boost sexual potency by the native peoples of Mexico, including the Mayan Indians. The two species used in herbal healing, both of which are referred to as damiana, are Turnera aphrodisiaca and Turnera diffusa and are part of the passionflower family. 

Historically damiana has been used to relieve anxiety, nervousness, and mild depression, especially if these symptoms have a sexual component. Damiana has also been traditionally used for increased energy, asthma, depression, impotence, digestion, and menstrual problems. In large doses it is thought to have a mild laxative effect.


Damiana Rose Elixir 

2oz Damiana leaves

10 oz brandy

1/2 oz roses

5oz honey

Add Damiana , brandy & roses to a mason jar. Let steep for 4 weeks . Strain and add honey. Mix well and enjoy!


Muira Puama is one of the most active botanicals with a long history of traditional uses as an energy tonic, general health improver, and remedy for impotence & sexual insufficiency. It originated in the Amazon rainforest and is  known as "potent wood" . Many people now consider it the new Yohimbe but, with considerably less possible side effects. Amazon natives have known this plant for centuries, as this herb has been widely used as an aphrodisiac by both men and women.

Muira Puama

The short term effects of Muira Puama include increasing blood flow to the pelvic area, aiding erections in men as well as sensation and orgasm in women. Longer term use enhances the production of sex hormones in both sexes. It has no noted side effects though, as with many sexual stimulants, it can slightly raise blood pressure.

Muira Puama has also been used for stress management, nervous system stimulation, and for general overall health. It has been used to tonify the nervous system and to treat cases of mild exhaustion. It can also help with gastrointestinal and reproductive disorders, while it's anti-rheumatic properties have been used for treating stress and trauma.

Vanilla bean extract

Vanilla planifolia

Vanilla originated in Mexico and is presently found in South America and the West Indies. Vanilla is a member of the orchid family . It has aerial roots that cling to trees and, the  pods are the fruit of the plant. Vanilla is currently hand pollenated since it has moved regions. It increases blood flow to sex organs, increases arousal, and releases tension in muscles and tissues. Vanilla tincture is a great sexual elixir since, it is stimulating and relaxing

Vanilla Tincture

5-7 vanilla beans

1 cup brandy or rum,

split vanilla beans (making sure the seeds make contact with alcohol)

add vanilla beans & alcohol to a mason jar & Steep for 6-8 wks

Strain and enjoy


Ocotillo -Fouquieraceae ocotillo family-fouquiera splendins

This succulent herb is also called coach whip, vine cactus, slimwood, candlewood, and flamingsword. It is a very beautiful and unusual plant. Ocotillo is slow growing, and it can take up to 30 years to grow to its maximum height of about 20 feet. Its growth is upright, radiating out from a central root.

Ocotillo usually flowers in March, April and May after heavy rains. Dark, gray green leaves will appear along its spiny, thorny stems within days after a rain fall, but once the weather drys out the leaves will turn brown and fall off. The flowers are beautiful scarlet red tubers appearing at the tip of the branches. These flowers attract hummingbirds, bats and orioles.


Ocotillo has a long history of use among many native Americans. The Cahuilla Indians used its flowers to make a summer drink and its seeds were pounded into a flour to make cakes. The Hualapai used the powdered roots in a footbath for swollen feet and the fibers of the plant to build huts. The Papago would press the nectar out of the blossom and allow it to dry into a candylike treat. The Apache Indians often used the reddish orange blossom, fresh or dried in a tea, which aided in the relief of sore and swollen muscles. The seeds and flowers were also eaten raw in various dishes.

A tincture made of fresh bark is useful for eliminating symptoms associated with inflammation of the pelvic region. Ocotillo can also be effective in alleviating hemorrhoids,  prostate enlargements, and ovarian and uterine cysts.

Harvesting Ocotillo for medicinal use is a challenge. Wear thick gloves and take no more than a two foot section from older plants. It should saw or cut off fairly easily and then cut it into smaller, more workable pieces. Be careful of thorns while working with this plant, and separate the outer bark from the inner core.

Luna Wood , herbalist & massage therapist,  makes many of these fresh  herbal tinctures available for purchase at her studio at South Congress Massage.